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Asked that Iraq war be 'task of God'

On June 8, 2008, Palin spoke a the graduation of the Master’s Commission program at the Wasilla Assembly of God, the church where she was baptized at age 12. Palin talked about God’s role in U.S. military action overseas, and asked the students to pray that the Iraq war be “a task that is from God.”

View the clip here:

Proximity of Alaska to Russia

Cindy McCain and others have said Palin has foreign policy experience because Alaska is closer to Russia than the other 49 states:

In her CBS interview with Katie Couric, Palin explained what the McCain campaign meant by touting Alaska’s proximity to Russia as foreign relations experience:

Pakistan and the Bush Doctrine

In her first post-nomination interview, Palin responded that “we must do whatever it takes” to stop terrorism when ABC’s Charles Gibson asked her if it was acceptable to conduct raids into Pakistan:

US 'shouldn't second guess Israel'

In her ABC interview with Charles Gibson, Palin repeated her comment that the U.S. “shouldn’t second guess Israel” if it attacked Iran:

She explained her statement in a CBS interview with Katie Couric:

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