The wing of a U.S. Air Force plane, front, sits on exhibit along with the old, empty outer casings of Soviet missiles, top, at the military complex Morro Cabana which is open to tourists in Havana.
(Photo by Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate / AP)
Site edited by: Erkinaz Shuminov, Elizabeth Stoycheff, Tamara Dixon, Kathie Raikes, Patrick Frierson, Hillary Hill, Sumi Naidoo, Mark Rittenmeyer, Harsha Malik, Aditi Khemka and Sandra Crozier.
Northern lights, or aurora borealis, illuminate the sky over Potter Marsh, foreground, and in the distance, in Anchorage, Alaska.
(Photo by Dan Joling / AP)
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I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.