A girl cries near a damaged car at a site hit by what activists said were barrel bombs dropped by government forces in Aleppo’s Dahret Awwad neighborhood in 2014. “Millions of children are entering their second decade of life surrounded by war, violence, death and displacement,” says Henrietta Fore, UNICEF executive director.
(Photo by Freedom House) Photo used under CC BY
Children have walked for weeks across the desert to get to Dadaab, Kenya, and many perish on the way. Others have died shortly after arrival. On the edge of the camp, a young girl stands amid the freshly made graves of 70 children, many of whom died of malnutrition. Shot in 2011.
(Photo by Andy Hall/Oxfam) Photo used under CC BY
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When a society abandons its ideals just because most people can’t live up to them, behavior gets very ugly indeed.