Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum speaks before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, in Washington. Santorum - who bills himself as the true conservative in the race - is hoping to halt front-runner Mitt Romney’s winning streak.
(Photo by Charles Dharapak / AP)
Site edited by: Brian Kendall, Tina Ulmer, Diana Shaw, Sam Dieter, Maria Laverghetta, Jessica Duncan, Ishwarya Krishnamurthi, Mark Rittenmeyer, Kathie Raikes, Tanya Flowers, Sarah Alender, Kristen Podgurski and Todd Ehresmann.
Spanish bullfighter Juan Jose Padilla performs during a bullfight in the Spanish town of Olivenza. Padilla, who lost sight in one eye and has partial facial paralysis after a terrifying goring, returned to the bullring five months after his injury.
(Photo by Daniel Ochoa de Olza / AP)
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