An image of the 9/11 attacks is projected above photos of soldiers on display at the U.S. Army’s Schofield Barracks in Hawaii during a memorial for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and soldiers who were killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
(Photo by David Goldman / AP)
Site edited by: Laura Hardman, Harsha Malik, Sam Dieter, Cynthia Vidal, Shahinaz Ayoub, Kathie Raikes, Sara Stewart, Tanya Flowers, Erkinaz Shuminov, Joanne Pelton, Sarah Alender, Brigitte Leschhorn, Brian Lam and Valerie Serrano.
Fakir Munshi, a performer from India breathes fire in Lisbon’s Mouraria neighborhood, during the Todos, which means “Everybody,” Festival.
(Photo by Francisco Seco / AP)
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