The American Falls are seen from the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The city of Niagara Falls has struggled for decades. Council members voted 4-1 to endorse a high-wire walk at the falls, hoping for an economic boost.
(Photo by David Duprey / AP)
Site edited by: Laura Hardman, Harsha Malik, Shahinaz Ayoub, Tanya Flowers, Kathie Raikes, Cristina Petrut, Sarah Alender, David Barer, Sara Stewart, Joanne Pelton, Valerie Serrano, Cynthia Vidal and Anuja Seith.
A giraffe cares for her newborn calf at the The Toledo Zoo in Ohio. The calf stood nearly 6 feet tall and weighed about 160 pounds at birth.
(Photo by The Toledo Zoo / AP)
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