Syrian refugees carry food supplies donated by Turkish villagers across the border to fellow refugees still stuck in Syria, near the village of Guvecci, Turkey. According to a Turkish agency, nearly 7.000 refugees from Syria are currently in Turkey, fleeing a military crackdown.
(Photo by Vadim Ghirda / AP)
Site edited by: Jodi McMaster, Kathie Raikes, Tanya Flowers, Harsha Malik, Joanne Pelton, Diana Shaw, Shahinaz Ayoub, Lynne Adams, Cat Van Le, Sara Stewart, Robyn Waselus, Virginie Gilles, David Barer, Valerie Serrano and Kristen Toland.
A mud-covered artist from the group Via Sudetica Glinada from Boleslawiec in Poland performs at the Carnival Of Culture parade in Berlin.
(Photo by Markus Schreiber / AP)
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I‘ve been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be, someday it’s going to come.