House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, center, arrives to a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, right, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of Calif., is second from right.
(Photo by Evan Vucci / AP)
Site edited by: Laura Hardman, Shahinaz Ayoub, Sara Stewart, Valerie Serrano, Joanne Pelton, Jean Bae, Diana Shaw, Sam Dieter, Harsha Malik, Jayalaxmi Arasalike, Brigitte Leschhorn, David Barer, Virginie Gilles and Anuja Seith.
A man inspects a giant figure made to look like an Easter bunny with white teeth, made from soda crates in Cape Town, South Africa.
(Photo by Schalk van Zuydam / AP)
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