Anti-Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi gunmen celebrate the freedom of the city of Benghazi, Libya. U.S. President Barack Obama has called on the dictator to leave power immediately, saying he has lost the legitimacy to rule with his violent crackdown on his own people.
(Photo by Hussein Malla / AP)
Site edited by: William Ellis, Sam Dieter, Michael Makofka, Kristen Toland, Walt Chiu, Robyn Waselus, Diana Shaw, Paul Wertheim, Sara Stewart, Tanya Flowers, Kathie Raikes, Brigitte Leschhorn and Shahinaz Ayoub.
Luke Donald of England tees off on the first hole while playing Ryan Moore during a quarterfinal round of the Match Play Championship golf tournament in Marana, Ariz.
(Photo by Julie Jacobson / AP)
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