Meghan Walsh of Brooklyn, N.Y. battles the strong wind from Hurricane Earl to control her umbrella as her husband, Mike tries to protect his camera from the rain at Montauk Point Lighthouse in Montauk, N.Y.
(Photo by Kathy Kmonicek / AP)
Site edited by: Adrian Smith, John Harvell, Elizabeth Quinn, Daishi Sato, Alexa Even, John Allen, Cat Van Le, Brigitte Leschhorn, Kristen Toland and Jeff Bromberg.
Local Cape Codders Len Thonus and his son, Chase, 2, of Harwich, Mass., and Nancy Lyons and her twin daughters Alyssa and Kaitlyn, both 8, of Chatham, Mass., visit the Chatham Fish pier.
(Photo by Julia Cumes / AP)
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If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.