Jessica Watson, center, shakes hands with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after arriving from a round-the-world journey, becoming the youngest sailor to circle the globe solo, nonstop and unassisted.
(Photo by Rick Rycroft / AP)
Site edited by: Jodi McMaster, Jennifer Yirinec, Megan Morris, Selvasumathi Namokarean, Tanya Flowers, Jessica Duncan, Michael Makofka, Paul Wertheim, Ilana Strauss, Jeff Bromberg, Mahvish Kazmi, Alessandra Marseglia and George Knowles.
The massive crater of Mount St. Helens and the lava dome that grew in it several years earlier is seen from the Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument near Toutle, Wash.
(Photo by Elaine Thompson / AP)
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Stories make sense when so much around us is senseless, and perhaps what makes them most comforting is that, while life goes on and pain goes on, stories do us the favor of ending.