Gloria Guy looks at a home that was damaged by Hurricane Katrina from the rear window of her new home, built by Brad Pitt's "Make It Right " program, during an open house party. The first few homes in Pitt's rebuilding project in the city's Lower 9th Ward are complete.
(Photo by Bill Haber / AP)
Site edited by: Jodi McMaster, Jessica Flier, Nabila Dellil, James Morris, Deionna Pope, Rick Dossey, George Knowles, Michael Makofka, Walt Chiu, Antonio Jules, Tanya Flowers and Brian Levine.
Dhow operators compete in the finals of a sailing competition along Lamu Island's seafront waters in Kenya, during the climax of the annual Maulid festivals to mark the birth of Prophet Mohammed.
(Photo by Anonymous / AP)
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