President Barack Obama, right, walks with Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva, left, during the arrival ceremony at the Belem National Palace in Lisbon, Portugal.
(Photo by Victor R. Caivano / AP)
Site edited by: Ayesha Sharma, Sevim Yolacti, John Harvell, Sara Stewart, Brigitte Leschhorn, Tanya Flowers, Jayalaxmi Arasalike, Elizabeth Quinn, Adrian Smith, Daishi Sato, John Allen, Diana Shaw, Charles Weiss, Anuja Seith and Jodi McMaster.
Boys coax a ram into the Atlantic Ocean at sunrise to wash it for the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha in Dakar, Senegal.
(Photo by Rebecca Blackwell / AP)
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Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them.