Welcome to the Daily Source
Our mission is to provide top quality news and information from leading sources across the Internet to educate
and inspire you to make the world a better place. Think of us as Google News with human editors and higher
ideals. Or as the NPR of the Internet.
You will become a better, smarter person by using our website. The Internet has become a jumble of noise,
selfishness and shallowness. We help you cut through all that to find the best of what the Internet news has
to offer. Learn more of what we offer below.
News for a better world
We provide news related to making our world better.
We give greater attention to the biggest problems and the positive things people are
doing to help. Some of the topics we cover are:
Nonprofits play a major role in helping people and communities. We report on
voluntarism, philanthropy, nonprofit trends, innovative ideas and government policies that affect
We focus less on domestic politics and more on the key aspects of democracies such
as free and fair elections, the rule of law, political freedom, an independent judiciary and a healthy,
vibrant press.
Half of all people are living on less than $3,000 a year for all their needs. This
affects their health, families, education, shelter and all else. We tell you their stories and the
stories of the people and groups helping them.
Human Rights
We bring you stories of people fighting for freedom of speech, assembly and
movement, freedom from torture, slavery and arbitrary arrest, and the rights to a fair trial, asylum and
personal security.
Science and Tech
We tell you about key advances in health and medicine, new discoveries in science,
and emerging changes in technology that improve communication, productivity and quality of life.
Climate change is slated to bring extreme weather, destruction, diseases, crop
failures, political turmoil and economic loss. The first step in improving the world is making sure it
doesn’t drive off a cliff.
True balance in multiple ways
We give you balanced news by providing both sides of the
story. More importantly, we fix the greatest imbalances of the news media by giving you balance in these key
Bad news and good news

Other news outlets: think
it’s only news if it’s bad. They have mostly bad news with a bit of good news.
DailySource: The news
shouldn’t just be depressing. It should also hearten and inspire. Plus, including good news is far more
accurate: even when a bad event happens in one place, positive things occur in others. So, we track our
ratio of good to bad news, and at least a third of our content at all times is good news.
The richest 20% and the poorest 80%
Other news outlets: focus
almost entirely on the top 20% of people: those making over $7 per hour.
DailySource: We aim for the
most good for the most people. So half of our content is about people in the bottom half: those making
under $1.5 an hour. 16 million die yearly because they earn so little. It’s the biggest problem in the
world, but the media ignores it because they're not located here. They also have it far worse with human
rights, slavery, democracy, infrastructure, clean water and other key things.
Isolated events and actual trends

Other news outlets: focus on
single occurences with lots of useless minutiae that don’t tell you much, and even give you a false
DailySource: We tell you
what’s really happening. For example, in a year in which suicide drops 18%, if you read five stories about
individual suicides, you’ll wrongly think it’s on the rise. If instead you read one story saying it’s
dropped, you get the right info with 80% less time. The choice is yours: be misinformed with more effort,
or be well informed with less effort.
other sites you mostly get small isolated details and bad news about the richest 20%. With us you get
a great mix of good and bad news, big picture info and small details, and news about
all people.
Multiple Ways to Get News From Us
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you, so we recommend you set up one of the following now so that you remember to benefit
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Ways to support our nonprofit’s work
We have many virtual volunteer opportunities including news editing, online marketing,
research and more.
See details.
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